NEW PROGRAMME: Onboarding with colours

In the current context of labour shortages, companies and organisations are finding it difficult to find the right talent. To meet this challenge, many companies are turning to international talent. However, the process of integrating these people can be complex and requires special attention. This is where the “Onboarding with colours” programme comes in, simplifying the induction process for international talent and ensuring their smooth integration into the organisation.

“Onboarding with colours” is a comprehensive programme designed for companies, organisations and employees such as students, expatriates and foreign professionals. It aims to help companies integrate and retain foreign professionals and expatriates by facilitating their integration into a new country. The method is made up of four interconnected modules, taking into account both the company’s and the professional’s point of view:

1) Self-awareness: The first stage, self-awareness, focuses on understanding one’s own modus operandi and motivations. Using the DISC profile assessment, employees discover their behavioural and communication preferences, as well as their strengths and limitations. At the same time, companies can assess their attractiveness to foreign talent through a self-diagnosis of their employer brand.

2) Culture matching: During the “cultural comparison” stage, the individual elements of the foreign employee’s DISC profile are compared with the cultural characteristics of the host country. This assessment enables behavioural preferences to be classified into comfort zones, zones of vigilance and adaptation zones. It helps professionals to identify the aspects in which they will integrate easily (comfort zone), those that require caution to avoid misunderstandings (vigilance zone) and those that require adaptation (adaptation zone). Companies also assess the compatibility of their corporate culture and integration processes with the desired profiles, using intercultural audits and questionnaires.

3) Intercultural action plan: On the basis of the culture matching, an intercultural action plan is drawn up to deal specifically with the areas of concern and adaptation for the employee. This plan includes targeted training in areas such as communication, project management and the role of the hierarchy. For companies, a workshop on how to become a welcoming company is offered, using the employer brand self-diagnosis, the intercultural audit and the corporate culture questionnaire to define objectives and strategies.

4) “Outside the Comfort Zone” coaching: The programme includes coaching sessions to help foreign employees and their families deal with culture shock and homesickness, and to improve motivation and self-confidence. On the corporate side, “Out of the Comfort Zone” coaching helps managers to lead multicultural teams effectively and to adapt to the challenges they may encounter.

What are the advantages of this method?

  • Minimize the risk of premature termination of the overseas assignment and the associated costs.
  • Optimal integration of international talent.
  • Efficient collaboration of multicultural teams.
  • Reduce employee turnover.
  • Avoid missteps, misunderstandings and conflicts

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