Franco-German cooperation

About me and my connection to France

With over 14 years of experience living and working in France, I have not only gained profound insights into the culture and working world, but have also developed a strong passion for promoting Franco-German friendship. It is a personal concern of mine to strengthen the harmonious cooperation between Germans and French. As an expert in intercultural skills, I use my knowledge and professional experience to help companies integrate international professionals and strengthen the cultural bridges between these two great nations.

Our offers to promote Franco-German cooperation

1. Animation “Who wants to be a millionaire? – Special French or German business culture”

No time for a whole day of training? Not in the mood for boring training?

Try our “Who wants to be a millionaire – Special French or German business culture” quiz!

In just 90 minutes, we offer you an entertaining and interactive learning experience that will give you valuable insights into the French or German business world. Expand your knowledge of business etiquette, negotiation techniques and management styles while competing with others – ideal for business lunches and team building.

Available in English, French and German, both online and onsite.

More information

2. Country and expatriate training

a) Assignment training for expatriates

Learn how to integrate successfully as an expatriate in France or Germany. Our training prepares you and your family comprehensively for the cultural differences, everyday life and social peculiarities. We pay special attention to adapting to the host country, dealing with culture shock and homesickness. Optionally, we offer “Spouse Coaching”, which is individually tailored to the needs of the accompanying partners.

We offer the following modules:

  • Living and working in France
  • Living and working in Germany

b) Country training for effective intercultural communication

Our specially developed country training courses are aimed at managers and employees who work in intercultural contexts and regularly interact with partners from specific countries. In these interactive workshops, you will acquire the ability to adapt your communication and working methods to different cultures, lead effective meetings and successfully manage international projects. The aim is to develop an in-depth understanding of the respective target culture in order to promote harmonious and efficient cooperation.

We offer the following modules:

  •     Successful cooperation with France
  •     Successful cooperation with Germany

3. Training course: How can I successfully lead a Franco-German team?

This training course is aimed at all managers, executives and group leaders who work with multicultural teams in an international context, especially in a Franco-German environment. In this course, participants will learn about the differences in leadership styles between Germany and France, how decision-making processes work in both cultures and how to give culturally appropriate feedback.

The role of hierarchy and power in both countries is also discussed, as well as how to deal with intercultural conflicts. Particular attention is paid to the specific challenges arising from the different working and communication styles in Germany and France.

The aim of this course is to provide managers with the tools they need to better understand the different expectations of their Franco-German teams and to deal flexibly with intercultural challenges. Participants will be empowered to navigate the cultural nuances of both countries and promote effective, harmonious collaboration.

4. Multicultural teambuilding

Discover our team building workshop specifically designed to improve collaboration in Franco-German teams. This workshop guides participants through the five phases of team building: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning. Each phase will be highlighted taking into account the cultural differences between Germany and France.

Starting with icebreaker activities that help build trust and develop a shared vision, the workshop addresses how to overcome stereotypes and establish effective communication channels. The aim is to develop a deep understanding of the cultural nuances of both countries and promote harmonious cooperation

All training and coaching can be delivered in German, French or English.

Contact us to learn more about our specialized training and programs on Franco-German cooperation.

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